We all have the same calling: to glorify God in everything we do. This is why we are here. Scripture says God created us for His glory (Isa. 43:7) and instructs us to “do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31).
But how? How can we give glory to “the King of glory” (Ps. 24:8)? Glory belongs to God (John 17:5; Acts 7:55). God reveals His glory (Ex 24:17; 40:34; Ps. 19:1). We can observe His glory (John 1:14). But how do we give Him glory?
To glorify God is not to bestow glory on God or add to His glory, but to recognize and acknowledge His glory. The basic meaning of the word glory is “heavy in weight.” It is the “weighty importance and shining majesty that accompany God’s presence.”* The verb glorify means “to give weight to” or “to honor.” Thus, to glorify God is to recognize God for who He really is and to respond appropriately.